iPhone 5: rumors sulla presentazione a settembre

di Tania Ascari Commenta

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Nuovi rumors riguardanti il mondo dell’iPhone 5. Questa volta il discorso della tempistica non riguarda tanto il lancio ufficiale del modello sul mercato, quanto la sua presentazione alla stampa.

Il giornalista del New York Times, Nick Bilton, cita una fonte interna ad Apple, affermando che il tutto avverrà entro due settimane: “We’re just weeks away from the announcement of the new Apple iPhone 5, according to an Apple employee who asked not to be named because he was not allowed to speak publicly for the company. On Thursday the technology blog Boy Genius Report posted images of a new iPhone case from the site of a company called Case-Mate. The images were visible on the company’s site for a short period of time before they were replaced with a curiously cryptic page that says, We’ll have your cases when you have your new iPhone” .


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