HTC, Android Jelly Bean solo con 1 GB di memoria RAM

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HTC ha reso pubblico un importante annuncio in queste ore, con il quale si ufficializza che l’aggiornamento del sistema operativo ad Android Jelly Bean verrà messo a disposizione solo dei device dotati di 1 GB di memoria RAM.

Esclusi dal processo, pertanto, modelli come l’HTC One V e l’HTC Desire C:

“We work hard to ensure each of our products has the optimal user experience and therefore some products will remain at their current version of Android. In general, devices with 512MB RAM or less will not be upgraded to Android 4.1. At present, these devices include the HTC One V and the HTC Desire C. As we identify other devices that will not be upgraded, we’ll provide updated information”.


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