Samsung Galaxy S3 e Samsung Galaxy Note 2, nuovo aggiornamento testato

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Samsung Galaxy S3 e Samsung Galaxy Note 2 sempre più vicini alla piena diffusione dell’aggiornamento del sistema operativo Android 4.3, considerando che il brand coreano sta testando due nuovi firmware qui in Europa.

A seguire, più in particolare, ci si può soffermare sulle principali caratteristiche dell’update, con le dovute distinzioni tra il Samsung Galaxy S3 ed il Samsung Galaxy Note 3:

– TRIM Support (Makes the device much faster)
– Samsung KNOX [Only in Galaxy Note II]
– Samsung Wallet (Pre-loaded) [Only in Galaxy Note II]
– Better RAM management
– Core UI elements updated to the ones on the Galaxy S4 (Galaxy S4′s theme all over)
– New Samsung Keyboard
– GPU drivers have been updated (Higher GPU benchmark scores)
– New Lockscreen: Multiple Widgets, improved ripple effect than Android 4.1.2, ability to change clock size and set a personal message
– New screen modes (From S4): Adapt Display and Professional Photo
– Daydream
– Driving mode
– Actionable notifications
– Move-to-SD-card feature
– New Camera mode : Sound and Shot
– New Additions in Notification Centre
– Completely revamped Settings UI (Tabbed interface – Exactly like the Galaxy S4)
– Implementation of Voice controls (Let’s you control various parts of the phone using voice commands – Galaxy S4 feature)
– New Samsung Apps: Calculator, Clock, Contacts, Gallery, Music
– Full screen Samsung apps
– New S-Voice (from Galaxy S4)
– Found more? Tell us about them in the comments below!

– These test firmwares will NOT increase your binary counter NOR void your warranty.
– These test firmwares are PRE-RELEASE builds and not official from Samsung.
– These test firmwares might WIPE your device, so perform a BACKUP before flashing!

Insomma, con le opportune accortenze del caso, è possibile evidenziare che siamo ormai vicini alla piena diffusione di un firmware che, sia nel caso del Samsung Galaxy Note 2, sia per il Samsung Galaxy S3, dovrebbe notevolmente migliorare l’esperienza di utilizzo dei due smartphone così popolari da noi.

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