Samsung Galaxy S6 esploso, come stanno le cose?

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Spuntano novità importanti per chi ha deciso di acquistare un Samsung Galaxy S6 e Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, visto che dall’Inghilterra si parla nuovamente di un device esploso di recente, con rischi annessi per un bambino di sei mesi.

Qui di seguito possiamo consultare più da vicino quanto dichiarato al momento da Samsung, in attesa di fare chiarezza a proposito del suo Samsung Galaxy S6:

“Samsung stands behind the quality and safety of the millions of Galaxy S6 family phones in the market. Until Samsung is able to obtain and examine any device, it is impossible to determine the true cause of any incident. Since being made aware of this case, Samsung has been attempting to contact the customer in order to organize collection of this device and investigate the cause of this incident. Samsung has now been able to speak to the customer and is working directly with Ms Seed to confirm next steps. Customer safety remains our highest priority and we work with any customer who has experienced an issue with a Samsung product in order to investigate the matter”.

Staremo a vedere come evolveranno le cose per chi dispone di un Samsung Galaxy S6 e Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge.

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